More Immigration Stories

Diocese of Tucson Introduces New Bishop

Edward Joseph Weisenburger comes to Tucson after serving as Bishop of Salina, Kansas.

SCOTUS to Hear Arguments on Bond Hearings for Undocumented Immigrants

Case to decide if noncitizens have same due process right to bond hearing as citizens.

Immigration Lawyer: Get DACA Renewal Applications In Early

Recipients are encouraged to have their application in the mail no later than Monday, Oct. 2.

Reduced Refugee Cap May Mean Fewer Come To Arizona

Security and safety cited as driving forces of reducing next year's cap.

Farm Lobby Looks to Put Guestworker Program Under Agriculture Department

Some hope to create a pliable labor force that will not organize, one analyst said.

Some Employers Refusing to Pay Undocumented Workers

Federal officials say they will sue employers that don't pay workers, regardless of immigration status.

Rep. Raúl Grijalva Arrested in New York

Congressman joined pro-immigrant protest outside Trump Tower.

McSally, Other US Representatives Meet With Trump on DACA

House group pushing bipartisan solution to immigration deadlock.

Arizona Businesses Want DACA, Immigration Reform

Business leaders want Congressional action soon.

DACA Phase Out, Now What?

People with deferred deportation status are wondering what to do.

UA's DACA Students Rally After Trump Ends Program

Students and supporters gathered in a show of solidarity for those whose legal status is now in limbo.

Mexico Responds To Trump's DACA Decision With 'Deep Regret'

The government offered a welcome to immigrants returning to Mexico and help to those staying in the U.S.

End to DACA Announced, Raising Questions for Immigrants

Southern Arizona's congressional delegation says Congress must pass immigration reform.

Letter Warning Flagstaff Residents of Deportation False, Officials Say

The letter claimed law officers were deputized as immigration agents.

Survey: 'Dreamers' Contributing to U.S. Economy

70 percent of DACA recipients have a U.S. citizen parent, sibling or child, according to new survey.

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