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Tucson Bus Strike, Day 12: Neither Side Willing to Budge

Councilman Kozachik: Teamsters 'need to understand what's in the budget, get back to work.'

Report: Refugee Offer Not Reducing Youth Immigration

Migration Policy Institute study says few Central American children qualify for status.

Both Sides Ask Mediator's Help in Tucson's Bus Strike

Teamsters, Sun Tran officials seek resumption of negotiations to end 9-day walkout.

AZ WEEK: Is Mine Waste Spill Threatening Arizona's Water?

Million of gallons of waste, including arsenic and lead, surged into tributaries of Colorado River.

VA to Host Mental Health Summit in Tucson

Public gathering Tuesday shows services available to veterans and their families.

Answer to What Killed Bighorn Sheep in Santa Catalinas

Untreatable Illness has caused severe losses in herds throughout Western states.

UA Astronomy Pioneer Kuiper's Work Still Relevant Today

He advanced US space exploration in the 1960s, including moon crash landing.

Tucson Bus Strike, Day 9: Union Contacts Federal Mediator

Sun Tran figures show 79% decline daily on 8 limited routes; union starts TV campaign.

Women's Business Center: Entrepreneurs Get Jump Start

Center works with women/immigrants, teaches how to start and run a business

UA-Built Cameras Ready for OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft

Three-camera suite will aid in mission's goal of asteroid soil sample.

METRO WEEK: Friends and Foes in Tucson Bus Strike

Why city officials can't get involved to help break intransigence.

Tucsonan Opens Car Doors to Stranded Bus Riders

Lynn Knuckles looks to spread good karma to those affected by Sun Tran strike.

Forests Worldwide Vulnerable to Drought, UA Researcher Says

UA scientist contributes to climate change findings

Monsoon Rains Expected to Pick Up after Slow Start

Forecasts show high chance of above-average precipitation for rest of the season

Navajo Farmers Lose Irrigation after Mine Waste Spill

Tribal authority has shut down supply for the rest of this season.

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week

Best viewing after midnight

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