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Pork for the People?

As new leaders crack down on earmarks, AZPM explores how recent pet projects have affected our region

Slicing Up the Arizona Pie

New redistricting commission must redraw the state's Congressional district map

Rx to the Rescue

When pharmacists take part in patient care, patients fare better--and their care costs less

New Year, New Plan

Tucson City Councilmember Regina Romero unveils new plan for economic recovery

Program Tackles Obesity's Steep Costs

Stimulus dollars aid the fight against obesity in Pima County

Passing the Baton at TUSD

New board member, Michael Hicks, has children in the district

Two Food Banks, One Community

Nogales, Arizona food banks are assisting thousands of people each month.

Taking Wildlife in Hand

The Tucson Wildlife Center provides care for injured and orphaned animals

UA Expands Business Incubator

Joann MacMaster begins as new director

Cancer's Ripple Effect: Diagnosis Impacts Entire Families

Author draws from her own experience to write a guide to the cancer journey

Winter Storm Brings Snowflakes, Plunging Mercury To Tucson

Tucsonans ring in the New Year with sub-freezing temps, while the high country rebounds from heavy snows

Al Melvin and Frank Antenori Talk Jobs

Republican state senators say job creation is critical for Arizona's economic recovery

Finding Freedom From Utility Bills

Some residents in Southern Arizona are living off the grid, harvesting their energy from nature

Break from Smoking

Smokers have many options to try to kick the habit.

Arizona Illustrated's Final Friday Roundtable

The Friday Roundtable on Arizona Illustrated comes to an end as local journalists discuss the year's top stories

Exploring the story behind the deaths of three Boy Scouts near Tucson in 1958

Tucson author Cathy Hufault recounts the tragedy that sparked the largest search for missing persons in Arizona history

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The University of Arizona