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Jan. 8 Shooting Reports Released

Loughner pleaded Fifth Amendment rights upon arrest

'Gang of 8' Senators Head to Border

McCain, Flake lead group seeking immigration reform

McCain Lowers Immigration Reform Bar

He says senators working on comprehensive bill haven't agreed

No 'Man With Rifle' in UA Building

911 call leads to 3-hour, 'floor by floor, room by room' search

AZ Week: State Road System at 'Pivotal Point'

$350M in cuts means shift to maintenance, less expansion

Half of AZ Roads in Bad Condition, Report Says

968 bridges also found deficient or obsolete by civil engineering group

Working for Equal Rights

Tucson group tries to raise awaress, education and opportunity for often-marginalized residents

Reintroduction of Wolves Remains Contentious

Supporters cheer Mexican gray's recovery; cattlemen still opposed

Pedicone Resigns as TUSD Supt.

Effective June 30, to give board time to hire before next election

Pioneer Tucson Educator Oyama Dies

Spent 15 months in US internment camp, broke racial barriers

PCC Interim Chancellor Resigns

Early departure as college faces accreditation probation

Tucson Seeks Reduced Plastic Bag Use

City will track use, recycling; no enforcement mechanism included

Bug Brains Reveal Secrets of Smell

UA researchers use moths to explore insect, human senses of smell

UA Develops iPhone Dust Storm App

Free download gives user real-time info on issues anywhere in US

Learning From Asteroids Pummeling Mars

UA HiRISE camera documents space-rock strikes on red planet

UA Mission Will Touch Asteroid

Watch AZ illustrated Science tonight, 6:30, PBS 6

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