More Border Stories

Tohono O'odham's San Miguel Border Gate May Be Closing

Access to ancestral lands on both sides of line may be at an end.

Union: Border Fence Breach Raises Terrorist Worries

National Border Patrol Council head testifies before Congress.

Binational Effort to Protect Environment Along the Border

Border 2020 members will meet Thursday, March 31 in Nogales, Sonora

Report: Border Strike Force Statistics Not Adding Up

Public records released to UA Journalism School news service don't back Gov. Ducey's claims.

Panel Finds Border Patrol Corruption Is Security Risk

New report by 'Independent Use of Force Committee'

Presidential Candidates Rally Across State, Talk Immigration

Four of the five candidates draw big crowds in Phoenix, Tucson, elsewhere; primary Tuesday.

Tucson Border Patrol Sets Up Missing Migrant Team

Families may be reluctant to reach out to agency if their loves ones are here illegally.

15th Anniversary of Water Tanks in Desert for Migrants

Founder of effort to save lives by preventing dehydration says immigration fixes still needed

'Common Ground on the Border' Celebrates Region's Culture

Community group wants to defuse tension about U.S.-Mexico border

New Surge of Central American Youth Expected at US Border

Border Protection official tells congressional committee numbers rising, could hit 75,000.

Nogales Crime Falls with Fewer Undocumented Immigrants

Police report aggravated assaults decline 44%, burglaries off 33% from previous year.

Tohono O'odham Find Common Ground with Border Patrol

Partnership has brought increased security and new technology to the nation.

Ciudad Juárez Residents Seek Consolation from Pope's Visit

City has deep wounds from Mexican Revolution, modern brutal drug war.

Lawmakers, Sheriffs Weigh $30M Border Security Plan

Arizona Week takes a deeper look at Gov. Ducey's Border Strike Force.

Legislative Pushback to $30M Border Strike Force Plan

Democrats and some Republicans are said to be resisting the governor’s plan.

Obama, Rights Group Want Body Cameras on Border Patrol

Groups: Cameras would bring more transparency to disputed cases of rights violations.

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