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McSally: Veto of Defense Bill Puts D-M's A-10s in Jeopardy

The funding bill rejected by Obama includes money for A-10 and EC-130 planes.

METRO WEEK: Independent Spending in Tucson Campaign

Effect of Supreme Court ruling trickles down to City Council races.

Astronaut’s Son in Search of Moon Trees Planted by Father

Jack Roosa to help commemorate UA’s Moon Tree

2015 May Be Hottest Year on Record in Arizona and Globally

Night-time and winter temperatures in the state run higher than normal, readings show.

Arizona Senate Money Race Accelerates; McCain Has $5M

In bid for sixth term, incumbent brings in $900K in third quarter; his opponents lag.

Money Flows to Arizona Congressional Campaigns

Southern Arizona Congressional candidates begin to attract donors

Tucson's Tax Amnesty Lets Businesses Pay Penalty Free

With 10 days to go, city has already collected more back taxes than in its '09 amnesty

Can Landmark Tucson Eatery Reopen in Better Times?

La Fuente resisted closure, but eventually couldn't survive; owner still has hopes for it.

'Misconceptions' in ACLU Claims Against Border Patrol

Officers' union representative disputes accusations of widespread civil rights violations.

UA Project Aims to Untangle Medical Jargon for Patients

Management Information Systems project will put information in layman's terms for doctors.

AZ WEEK: Exploring Mars on Silver Screen, in UA Research

University of Arizona's connection to planetary science dates to dawn of Space Age.

METRO WEEK: Economic Recovery Slow in Tucson

Reasons, ramifications and resolutions from Tucson and Phoenix economists.

Davis-Monthan and Tucson's Economy

The military base has been a major source of money in Tucson for nearly 75 years.

Private-Sector Slowness Keeps Arizona Jobless Rate at 6.3%

Private sector sluggish, adding 500 jobs; back-to-school hires bring 28,000 government jobs.

El Niño’s Above-Average Rains Won’t Wipe Out Drought

Winter weather phenomenon expected to be one of three strongest.

UA Students Make Tasty Treats in 'Solar Oven Throwdown'

Building solar cookers requires teamwork, design and construction.

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