University of Arizona News

UA Lunar and Planetary Lab to Celebrate Years of Mars Photos

Jul 5, 2017 Annual open house will feature the work of HiRISE camera as well as activities for kids, adults.

Scientists See Clues of Possible Unseen Planet in Solar System

Jul 3, 2017 Disruption in the orbits of objects in the distant Kuiper Belt suggest a large body.

UA Space Programs to Launch 'Asteroid Day' 2017 Stream

Jun 28, 2017 OSIRIS-REx, Catalina Sky Survey lead off programming.

Changing Your Sleep Habits is Worth It, UA Researcher Says

Jun 26, 2017 Not getting enough sleep can result in memory and concentration issues, but also high blood pressure.

Health Care Reforms Could Mean 400K Lose Insurance in Arizona

Jun 23, 2017 State-funded insurance losses would be greatest in rural places, possible result would be rural hospital closures.

Cicadas Soundtrack Arrival of Summer, Monsoon in Arizona

Jun 23, 2017 Region hosts more than four dozen species.

Greg Patterson Quits as Regents Chair Following Release of Recording

Jun 20, 2017 He recorded himself ridiculing Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem's 'costume.'

UA College of Medicine in Phoenix Gets Full Accreditation

Jun 14, 2017 Ten years after its founding, the UA's second medical school achieves full status.

It Adds Up: UA's End-of-Year Leftovers Destined for Resale

Jun 14, 2017 Things left in dormitories, furniture, old athletic gear and more will be available to the public.

Arizona University Budgets Up for Review Thursday

Jun 7, 2017 The Arizona Board of Regents will decide on the 2018 proposals for Arizona's three public universities.

UA to Get Early Sample of Asteroid for Study

Jun 5, 2017 The material should give a glimpse into the history of Bennu, and of the universe.

Episode 140: Meet the New University of Arizona President

Jun 2, 2017 Robert C. Robbins says he'll start scholarships, encourage what UA does well.

UA President Robbins: 'I'm Going to Be Accessible'

Jun 2, 2017 Institution's 22nd president has busy first day meeting, greeting, cheerleading.

Climate Scientist: Leaving Paris Accord Bad for Southwest

Jun 1, 2017 The region is already experiencing the effects of global warming, says Valerie Trouet.

Hundreds Greet New UA President at Campus Reception

Jun 1, 2017 Robert C. Robbins becomes institution's 22nd president, succeeding Hart.

New UA President Robbins Will Meet Campus Community

May 31, 2017 Several campus appearances planned for his first two days on job Thursday, Friday.

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