University of Arizona News

Self-Centered People Could be Secretly Depressed, Study Suggests

Mar 9, 2018 UA psychologist links narcissism to negativity, anxiety and insecurity.

Researcher Looks at Impact of Smartphones on Romantic Relationships

Mar 5, 2018 While it creates a direct line to our partners, dependency may mean distance.

Global Telescope Array Peering Into Space for 1st Glimpse of Black Hole

Mar 5, 2018 UA part of Event Horizon Telescope experiment, which would provide clues to universe's origins.

Attorney: Ex-Staffer Tried to Extort Former UA Football Coach For $7.5M

Mar 2, 2018 Lawyer responds to sexual harassment allegations against Rich Rodriguez.

Do Social Media Posts About Exercise Motivate? It's Not Black or White, Study Says

Mar 2, 2018 UA researcher says users can experience both concern and motivation when viewing posts.

Biologist: This Year's Flu Season to be More Damaging Than 2009

Feb 26, 2018 Since October, the flu has been linked to 523 deaths in Arizona.

Worker Shortage Continues as Construction Industry Rebuilds

Feb 23, 2018 Builders see hope in career and technical education and programs that train apprentices.

Fourth Avenue Development Stirs Opposition

Feb 21, 2018 Retail and apartments would replace Flycatcher bar at Fourth Avenue and Sixth Street.

UA Invested $622M in Research in 2017

Feb 19, 2018 The number surpassed 2016 by $18 million.

UA Focused on Project to Get First Images of Black Holes

Feb 15, 2018 National Science Foundation grant will help coordinate and compute data from telescopes.

Tucson Students Could Help Reshape City Streets

Feb 14, 2018 The city could consider "complete street" proposals from UA students in future projects.

"Black Pearl Sings" Builds Bridges with Song

Feb 9, 2018 Also on Arizona Spotlight: How politics in China evolved in the 20th century; and meet author Larry Dane Brimner, dedicated to writing about civil rights for young readers.

UA Students to Observe Interplay of Sports and Politics In Russia

Feb 6, 2018 New study abroad program will focus on 2018 World Cup soccer events.

Catch a Total Lunar Eclipse Early Wednesday Morning

Jan 30, 2018 Early in the morning, the eclipse will cover a super, blue moon.

Tree Rings Tell Story of Jet Stream

Jan 25, 2018 Changes to North Atlantic air flows alter European summer weather.

State-University Partnership Formed to Fight Opioid Crisis

Jan 24, 2018 UA and the Department of Health Services are receiving a $2.2 million grant for training.

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