Business News

Obama Deportation Deferral May Affect 135,000 in Arizona

Nov 21, 2014 Immigration plan's impact in state also could include visas for high-skilled workers, tightened border security.

Homelessness Down in Arizona

Nov 3, 2014 Tucson's focus to get veterans off the streets contributes to decline in numbers.

Experts: Fewer Trees May Result in Healthier Forests

Oct 28, 2014 Scientists say this could increase water supplies for people, help environment in Northern Arizona.

Expect Mail Delays After Closure of Tucson Postal Service Processing Center

Oct 27, 2014 Agency failed to conduct required impact studies on how service would be affected by closing Cherrybell facility, others around country.

Renovated Mariposa Port of Entry Reopens in Nogales

Oct 15, 2014 City's Mayor Garino, Rep. Grijalva, Sen. Flake among those who attended ribbon cutting ceremony this morning.

Corporation Commission Race Centers on Role of State's Largest Utility

Oct 8, 2014 Democratic candidates say APS has poured $2M in support of Republican duo; GOP candidates deny involvement.

AZ Opens Trade, Investment Office in Mexico City

Sep 30, 2014 Arizona Commerce Authority will run it, focus to improve business relationship; city of Tucson will be a partner.

AZ WEEK: Ducey Says Revenue from Job Creation Can Fix Budget

Sep 26, 2014 Republican would like to eliminate income tax, revamp tax code to attract more businesses, bring more work to Arizona.

Next AZ Governor Faces Economic, Fiscal Issues

Sep 26, 2014 Deficit of up to $1B in next 2 years; tax revenue still low after recession; joblessness high.

Tucson Streetcar Ridership Exceeds Expectations

Sep 24, 2014 5,000 passengers on average day, compared with projections of 3,600; wide range of users from students to families.

What Does It Take to Start a Business in Tucson?

Sep 19, 2014 Inside Tucson Business Editor Thelma Grimes joins AZPM's Zac Ziegler to discuss local business news.

METRO WEEK: 'Tucson Can Do More to Help Homeless Population'

Sep 12, 2014 Housing director at Primavera Foundation says city still lacks more options for affordable housing, job opportunities; resources available to get them off their feet.

METRO WEEK: Healthcare Providers' Sales Part of Trend

Sep 5, 2014 UA, Cardonelet health networks going to outside ownerships in separate deals expected to be completed soon.

Tucson Fast-Food Workers Strike for Higher Wages

Sep 4, 2014 $15 dollar an hour, right to form unions without retaliation are among demands.

DPS Slow to Return to Pre-Recession Staffing Levels

Aug 18, 2014 Department starting to increase staff again, but not quickly enough to make up for losses, upcoming retirements.

METRO WEEK: Efforts Under Way to Ease Cross-Border Business

Aug 15, 2014 Arizona, Sonora states working to improve infrastructure, regional cooperation.

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