Border and immigration news

DACA Phase Out, Now What?

Sep 7, 2017 People with deferred deportation status are wondering what to do.

UA's DACA Students Rally After Trump Ends Program

Sep 6, 2017 Students and supporters gathered in a show of solidarity for those whose legal status is now in limbo.

Mexico Responds To Trump's DACA Decision With 'Deep Regret'

Sep 6, 2017 The government offered a welcome to immigrants returning to Mexico and help to those staying in the U.S.

End to DACA Announced, Raising Questions for Immigrants

Sep 5, 2017 Southern Arizona's congressional delegation says Congress must pass immigration reform.

Tucson Aims For More Business in Mexico

Sep 5, 2017 Local business leaders formally working with Mexican companies.

Arizona Reps Implore NAFTA Negotiators to Leave Imported Mexican Produce Alone

Sep 4, 2017 The issue centers on the cost of winter tomatoes.

Arizona Company Among 4 Chosen To Build Border Wall Prototypes

Aug 31, 2017 Construction will begin this fall. Designs will measure 30 feet high to 30 feet long.

Plan to Update Douglas Port of Entry Closer To Reality

Aug 31, 2017 The U.S. House is getting behind the plan, said Rep. Martha McSally.

Letter Warning Flagstaff Residents of Deportation False, Officials Say

Aug 29, 2017 The letter claimed law officers were deputized as immigration agents.

Survey: 'Dreamers' Contributing to U.S. Economy

Aug 29, 2017 70 percent of DACA recipients have a U.S. citizen parent, sibling or child, according to new survey.

Transgender and Gay Immigrants Being Held in New Mexico

Aug 24, 2017 17 individuals from Mexico and Central American seeking asylum in the U.S.

Trump Visits Yuma Ahead of Phoenix Rally

Aug 22, 2017 The president wanted to show that stepped-up border security works.

Trump Ends Program to Protect Central American Kids From Deportation

Aug 21, 2017 3,000 unaccompanied children face deportation, 200 in Arizona.

Law Professors to Trump: Keep DACA

Aug 14, 2017 Trump must decide what to do about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

12 Transgender Women from Central America and Mexico Seek Asylum in US

Aug 14, 2017 Legal teams from around the country have mobilized to help.

CBP Spends $5M on Polygraphs for Applicants Who Admitted to Crimes

Aug 14, 2017 A report says 2,300 applicants were given the test despite being disqualified based on their admissions.

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