Border and immigration news

Taking a Trip to "Bundyville"

Jun 7, 2018 Also on Arizona Spotlight: Legal battles on the border over the separation of families; and Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman talks about life, death, and having fun in between.

US Asylum Seekers Wait Their Turn on Mexican Border

Jun 7, 2018 The exact reasons for the border crossing bottleneck in California, Arizona and Texas are unclear.

As Resettlements of Refugees Drop, Infrastructure to Help Them Crumples

Jun 7, 2018 The Trump administration cut the refugee cap to 45,000 this year, but the U.S. will probably let in less than half of that number.

BP Sector Chief: Border Under 'Fragile' Control

Jun 6, 2018 Rodolfo Karisch warns of shifts in traffic that can ripple down the international line.

2 Million Immigrants Could be Eligible for Legal Status, Study Says

Jun 6, 2018 An immigration advocacy network says many immigrants without legal status are unaware they could get a green card or start on a path to citizenship.

Immigrant Prosecutions Jump 30 Percent From March to April

Jun 5, 2018 An update on Honduran transgender woman fighting for asylum in the U.S.

Border Patrol: National Guard Help Leading to Arrests

Jun 4, 2018 Though the agency did not indicate whether numbers were higher compared with previous periods.

Homeland Security Secretary Visits Arizona-Mexico Border

Jun 1, 2018 It was the second trip for the secretary to Arizona in as many months.

Immigration Attorneys Cross Border to Give Free Legal Help to Families

Jun 1, 2018 400 immigration attorneys are meeting through the Catholic Immigration Network in Tucson this week.

Homeland Security Chief to Visit Arizona-Mexico Border Thursday

May 31, 2018 Kirstjen Nielsen and Reps. Martha McSally and David Schweikert will visit a Nogales port of entry.

Record Numbers of Detained Immigrants Hiring Lawyers

May 31, 2018 Since 2005, the number of detainees getting lawyers has jumped from 25% to more than 70%.

Congressional Panel Offers Mixed News on Arizona's Opioid Crisis

May 30, 2018 Prescribing of opioids is down, but smuggling from Mexico is up.

Advocates Walking 75 Miles in Desert to Draw Attention to Migrant Deaths

May 30, 2018 This is the 15th year for the Migrant Trail Walk from Sasabe to Tucson.

Group: 200 Children Separated From Parents at Arizona Border This Year

May 30, 2018 The Florence Project legal team says the policy is unprecedented in immigration procedures.

Phoenix to Join Lawsuit Against Citizenship Question on Census

May 29, 2018 The city could lose $107M in funding if non-citizens don't participate in the Census.

California, Out of Space, Sending Immigrant Detainees to Arizona

May 29, 2018 California's loss means profits for a private prison in Arizona.

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