Border and immigration news

Incomplete data and lack of testing means Arizona COVID-19 cases are undercounted

Apr 16, 2020 The governor has vowed to ramp up testing throughout Arizona, but the state’s information about current cases is still murky.

Eloy car rally calls for ICE detainee releases during COVID-19 pandemic

Apr 12, 2020 At least five detainees in custody in Arizona have tested positive for the virus.

Grijalva: Legislation would address disparities in COVID-19 relief for immigrant families

Apr 9, 2020 A discussion with the Southern Arizona Democrat about a bill he says would expand access to testing and aid.

Groups say Border Patrol's accelerated deportations are sending migrants to ill-equipped border towns

Apr 8, 2020 The agency is using an emergency protocol to send migrants back across the border in a matter of minutes.

Lawsuits challenging border wall funding can move forward, judge rules

Apr 8, 2020 A U.S. District Court judge last week ruled two lawsuits brought by environmental groups will be allowed to continue.

Border Patrol expelling migrants to minimize virus exposure

Apr 3, 2020 The agency has returned to a deportation policy not seen in the Southwest in nearly 20 years.

Health workers, aid groups step in to fill Spanish-language gap around COVID-19

Apr 3, 2020 More than 1 million people speak Spanish at home in Arizona, but official coronavirus bilingual communication has lagged.

DACA recipients search for answers among local and federal measures to ease impact of pandemic

Apr 1, 2020 Recipients of the Obama-era program for immigrant youth say questions remain for mixed immigration status families

Groups question risk, expense of border wall construction during coronavirus pandemic

Mar 31, 2020 Critics say big construction crews are still at work — increasing the risk of spreading the virus and traveling to other states.

Officials take temperatures of southbound border crossers in Nogales, Sonora

Mar 30, 2020 The U.S. has closed the border with Mexico to all "non-essential" travel, but Mexico has not yet broadly implemented similar restrictions.

Immigration attorneys, turned away without protective gear, call for detention center closures

Mar 27, 2020 Arizona attorneys say they can't find protective equipment required to visit clients, putting their cases in danger.

Immigration lawyers: New personal protective equipment rules endangering detainees

Mar 24, 2020 Lawyers and advocacy groups say the U.S. government is defying public health rules intended to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Financial impact to Arizona from border closure will be severe

Mar 23, 2020 The administration has said both countries will review whether or not to continue the closure in 30 days.

Border residents brace for change with approach of closure to nonessential travel

Mar 20, 2020 Both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border in Douglas were left wondering what comes next as the Friday night restriction neared.

Environmental advocates say planned border construction threatens jaguar corridors

Mar 19, 2020 CBP announced plans to build more than 90 miles of border wall in an area advocates say is predominantly remote wilderness.

Coronavirus forces ICE to shift enforcement priorities

Mar 19, 2020 ICE says it is temporarily focusing on arresting unauthorized immigrants with criminal backgrounds and those considered dangerous.

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