Border and immigration news

Border Patrol Uses Eminent Domain for Land to Build Security Tower

Aug 28, 2013 US attorney says public purpose for property taken is to ensure agency is able to properly secure border.

Immigrant Interest in Commemoration of 'I Have a Dream' Speech

Aug 27, 2013 Civil rights 50 years ago, immigrant rights today: 'At core, we're talking about same thing,' advocate says.

UPDATED: McCain, Flake Hold Mesa Town Hall on Immigration

Aug 27, 2013 They helped get it through U.S. Senate; now stalled in House, where Republicans say it has little chance.

NPR: DREAMers, Others Help Shift View of Undocumented Migration

Aug 21, 2013 However, the 'DREAM 9' sparked criticism from allies, opponents for self-deporting to then re-enter US.

Epilepsy Rates in Hispanics Lower Along the AZ-Sonora Border

Aug 20, 2013 Recent study shows more Caucasians suffer from neurological disorder; results differ in non-border cities.

McCain, in Tucson, Urges Immigration Reform Passage

Aug 14, 2013 Tells town hall attendees that border security still at issue, but getting better; he sponsored Senate bill.

58% in AZ Have Applied for Deferred Deportation

Aug 12, 2013 One year out, fewer than half of 423,000 eligible nationally have stepped up, Migration Policy Institute says.

9 'Dreamers' Freed, Awaiting Asylum Requests

Aug 8, 2013 Mexican-born, US-reared, they tried re-entering last month to emphasize desire for immigration reform.

Obama's Phoenix Visit Tuesday Draws Protests

Aug 7, 2013 Immigrant rights activists gathered outside high school where president gave a speech; some signs read 'Deporter-in-Chief.'

Seven 'Dreamers' Granted Tentative Asylum

Aug 6, 2013 After leaving US, they tried to recross at Nogales last month, were taken to Eloy immigrant detention center.

Live Near Border in AZ? 'You're Being Watched'

Aug 6, 2013 Adding to already 'astronomical' security resources won't be deter organized crime, skeptical resident says.

Mexico Plans to Spend Millions on Port Renovations

Aug 5, 2013 US has put $200M into upgrading its side of Mariposa Port of Entry, commercial crossing at Nogales.

Tucson Wants Improved Economic Ties with Mexico

Aug 5, 2013 Mayor says recent trip south of border with AZ business leaders further opened eyes and minds to potential.

Obama, McCain: Odd Couple Seeking Results

Jul 27, 2013 Rare Washington partnership has worked on immigration reform, gun-purchase background checks, more.

Proposed Barriers Along Border Could Harm Wildlife

Jul 24, 2013 The issue has raised flags among environmentalists, who argue it could be devastating to the area's natural surroundings.

Border National Monument is Center of Conflict

Jul 23, 2013 Organ Pipe Cactus Park has sparked issues among Border Patrol, ecologists, visitors.

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