More Coronavirus Stories

Arizona begins second year of COVID-19

Arizona’s first case of the virus was reported a year ago.

UA increasing rate of vaccine rollout

Up to 800 people a day could get vaccinated at the university this week.

Arizona reports 7,217 new COVID-19 cases and 68 more deaths

State again leads the nation in weekly COVID-19 infection rate

Language barriers, wariness make vaccinating immigrants hard

Poor communication, misinformation and lack of trust create fear and uncertainty

Vaccine appointment error fixed, more vaccines headed to Pima County

The county says 77,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses will be in hand next week, the 'vast majority' going to new appointments.

Arizona pandemic toll tops 12,000 deaths, over 700,000 cases

More than 8,000 new cases reported statewide since yesterday, with nearly 230 new deaths

Unemployment rate drops in Arizona, remains high

The state rate is still higher than the U.S. rate.

New supervisor on Huckelberry contract vote, Pima County COVID restrictions

Discussions with District 2 Supervisor Matt Heinz and former Tucson Mayor Tom Volgy.

Arizona schools chief on concerns as pandemic disruptions endure

State Supt. Kathy Hoffman says about 65,000 fewer students are enrolled in public schools than normal.

Understanding the state’s role in Arizona COVID vaccine distribution

A discussion with Arizona Dept. of Health Services Director Dr. Cara Christ.

Efforts to expand COVID vaccine access in Pima County

Tony Paniagua reports on where new sites are popping up.

Arizona reports nearly 9,400 more virus cases, 244 deaths

State continues to have worst diagnosis rate in the country

Rep. Grijalva to introduce new COVID-19 relief bill for border businesses

The Southern Arizona congressman says issues in border communities have worsened during the pandemic

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