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Grijalva, Fellow Congressman Introduce Immigration Bill

Border Caucus co-chairs aim to create new plan, saying it's time to move forward with reform.

Border Deaths Up From Last Year, Pima County Figures Show

Medical examiner's office reports 148 migrant deaths so far, compared to 125 at this time in 2012.

AZ Jobless Rate Rises to 8.3%; Job Growth Continues

39,800 jobs added in August; year-over-year job growth rate remains steady at 2%, state officials report.

Murder Mayhem Mystery Dinner Theater

Local theatre group present their new play, Fuhgedaboudit! a fun exaggeration of mobsters.

Vail Incorporation Could Be Regional Benefit

Creating a new town could be financially smart because of state revenue distribution, supporters say.

Taking Oath for Citizenship: 'I Love This Country'

Small group at Tumacacori among 25,000 across nation this week celebrating US Citizenship Day.

AZ Won't Issue Licenses to Anyone Qualifying for Deferred Action

Change came after US District Court judge ruled in May that policy was likely 'discriminatory.'

New "Freedom to Marry" Campaign Launches

Coalition of civil rights organizations; year-long education effort planned, then possible ballot measure.

Congressman Grijalva Wants New Immigration Reform Plan

Immigration bill has stalled in the US House; there are expectations that it will not be voted on this year.

'Weird Plants' Flourish in Tucson

Curious adaptations to arid environments draw collectors from hobbyists to the horticulturally obsessed.

Southeastern Arizona Home of Rare Habitat: Desert Grasslands

Rare ecosystem is rich in biodiversity, supports a variety of endemic plants, animals.

Brewer: State Finished Last Year With Big Cash Balance

Preliminary report on 2012-13 fiscal year shows budget at $895M in black; state deficit will be gone early.

AZ Grassland Faces Threats from Mesquite Trees, Woody Plants

These plants were not present in the landscape traditionally, continue to spread.

Monsoons Cut Fire Season Short; Longer Outlook Grim

100,000 acres burned in AZ this year, but heavy winter rains, snow needed to lessen future danger.

AZ Week: Child Welfare Crisis Eases a Bit

Funding from Legislature, procedural changes by state agency bringing improvement, but much more needed.

FEMA Rejects AZ Appeal for Fed Assistance in Yarnell

'A declaration was reasonable, justified for nation's deadliest fire in 80 years,' Gov. Brewer says.

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